By the grace of God we were able to get Lisa Marie’s phone restored throughout the evening which meant we did not have to drive north into Bozeman. We got up early to completed the remainder of the ride out of Yellowstone into town. We got to see a moose grazing out on the field. We also had to pause here because Lisa Marie had a critical phone call that she had to be a part of for several hours. After the call was completed we returned to Yellowstone for one last time to go check out the hot springs. Yes we could have biked out of town, but we need to be a tourists as well. All business and no play is not good. Truly amazing to see the difference in all the ecosystems of Yellowstone. The Hot springs are truly unique. A bubbling brook of hot water and sulfur creating sculptures that are hard to imagine unless you see them. I wonder what God was thinking when he created this place. I have said wow so many times I’ve lost count. The wide open high places where you can view down 30 plus miles and then to send into a meadow with a tranquil stream running through it. Then following a simple walkway you run into a majestic waterfall that never seems to end. Where does the water come from why is it still flowing. My 5 gallon bucket always runs out of water when I tip it over. It’s so fun to see this unique place I’m glad I was here again. But today will be the last day in Wyoming and in Yellowstone. The weather continues to be beautiful in the forecast for the next several days follows the same. It’s time to move on and I’m looking forward to putting some longer days in on the bike.
Insights from Lisa Marie
At 4:00am I was woken up from a dee sleep. I was thinking, ok – who or what am I suppose to be praying for? God says,
Go look at your phone
The phone was stuck asking the same set of questions as several hours earlier. Nothing had changed. So I answer them again, and at 4:18am my phone is fully functioning! I say God answered my concern and took care of me! Anyway enjoy the pictures😁
Early start this morning driving Norm back to Madison Junction for his 14 mile ride to West Yellowstone. Enjoyed the morning taking pictures of scenery. Yeah got my moose pic, female and another bison hanging out. Had to break for a 3 hour essential virtual meeting. At 1:00pm, Norm and I enjoyed our last day in Yellowstone, driving to Mammoth Springs. Saw some beautiful falls and more geysers. We did some planning for our next few days driving through Montana.