Last evening Sherry came into camp as she was travelling towards Washington DC. This was her first bike trip solo. It was great to be dry in the morning from the overnight rain. The trains were more active at night than I remember. They would signal there arrival as they rolled through town. Yes, even in the middle of the night.

Today was a very quiet day. The trail ran through several neighborhoods and small towns until I reached my junction at McKeesport. Here I made a navigational error and continued about two miles up the GAP trail. Realizing the river was on the wrong side, I reversed directions and found my missing turn. This took me over a some bridges, through an urban town, and eventually reconnecting to a trail.

Back on a quiet trail for most of the day. With very little to stop and see I made excellent time and decided to venture farther than expected. Leaving the GAP, the hills returned. Up and down we go. I’m met Keith and Don who are both avid cyclists. I stopped to ask about the trail and services ahead. Don was wearing a Northern Tier jersey and we discussed our travels. As they spilt to go there separate ways, Don continued with me and gave me some great information about some gear and the trail ahead.

The day ended at the “Valley View Hotel” (not the real name of the hotel, just mine). What that meant, is I had a two mile climb up a very steep 9% hill, to the top overlooking the valley. I prefer the longer, less steep inclines. Hopefully I can avoid those in the future. I cleaned up, and headed out for some food.
I meant Sherri at the restaurant. She was having a terrible day along with the restaurant staff. Their beloved owner and fried, just passed away. The staff spoke about him a great individual and father figure to so many. He will be missed. Sherri spoke of her involvement in the sorority. It was too bad Lisa Marie was not with me. Sherri and her would have been two peas in a pod, both chapter advisors, dealing with sorority issues over the years. They could get lost in their own stories with one another for hours. Sure I hope you have a better day tomorrow Sherri. The food and service was excellent tonight. Time to rest and do some planning for the next few days.