Today’s ride started a little bit earlier and it was straight to a trail for the first 17.5 miles. The trail took me through downtown Trenton and along the canal. So much better than busy roads during early morning rush hour. The canal trail provided the first detour due to construction of a bridge. Again detouring out onto the roads was quite pleasant because the traffic was nil. I arrived at a junction called Washington’s crossing. This is the point on the Delaware River where Washington and his men crossed. The state park is under construction/renovation for the 250th signing of the Declaration of Independence in 2026.
I found a nice coffee shop for some lunch and some much needed rest midday. Now it’s time to finish up and get to a campground.
As I left a little town I couldn’t help but notice many of the houses were already preparing for memorial Day and had American flags proudly hung. The rest of the day was on more amazing bike paths keeping me off the roads for most of the day. About 75% cycle path today. There was definitely more elevation and descent today than yesterday. Several times without even pedaling I reach 30 miles an hour on the downhill. Yikes!
Tonight will be the first night camping in a state campground. When I came in there was no check in, no one to be seen, so I just tucked myself back in the woods and set up. It was good to get out of the sun and into the shade. The temperatures were mid ’80s all the way up to 93° for several hours today. I felt better today than yesterday which is good, but I definitely want to keep the miles lower right now until I get more into a routine and see how my body reacts to multiple days back to back.