Distance: 23.55 mi
Moving Time: 1:56;44
Elapsed Time: 2:18:05
Minimum Elevation: 826 ft
Maximum Elevation: 1,079 ft
Total Ascent: 594 ft
Total Descent: 699 ft
Low Temp: 77°
High Temp: 84°
Today was another short day. Given the problems of yesterday, I didn’t have a choice but to completely recompute my next 7 days. Large lightning, hail, and thunderstorms, were coming early this afternoon so I had to make today’s ride short. That wasn’t what I wanted to do but you take what the road will give you. With no other services available I needed to divert to a small hotel in the little town just a few miles away. Another day of riding through the backwoods on small country roads that barely represented a double lane road. I came into a small town where they had cut outs of all their fallen military heroes. Right next to that trail I met Jan standing observing an outdoor train set which was so wonderful. We talked for a few moments as she was heading to church just up the street. Not knowing exactly when the storms were going to arrive, I needed to keep moving. It seems so counterproductive to go so short but it was the right decision because within the hour of getting to the hotel the rain and the thunderstorms were coming in sideways. Tomorrow I keep going and with the holiday weekend, hopefully the traffic will be light like it was today.